Anno accademico 2016/2017 - 1° annoCrediti: 6
Organizzazione didattica: 150 ore d'impegno totale, 108 di studio individuale, 42 di lezione frontale
Semestre: 2°
Obiettivi formativi
Il corso mira a sviluppare il lessico e l’uso delle funzioni della lingua inglese per scopi comunicativi relativi all’ambito medico-scientifico; mira inoltre a fornire agli studenti uno strumento pragmatico per l’investigazione linguistica e l’analisi di testi specifici. Tra gli argomenti trattati: malattie e sintomi, terapie, esami specifici e prevenzione. Saranno presentati inoltre il lessico medico relativo alle parti e alle funzioni del corpo, il personale medico e paramedico, la formazione e la ricerca. Alla fine del corso gli studenti saranno in grado di 1) usare la lingua inglese per interagire in modo sciolto ed accurato con parlanti anglofoni; 2) capire un discorso orale e lezioni su argomenti specifici; 3) comparare e spiegare opinioni relative a specifici argomenti medico-scientifici.
Prerequisiti richiesti
Frequenza lezioni
Contenuti del corso
- parts and functions of the body
- medical and paramedical personnel
- education and training
- systems, diseases and symptoms
- investigations, treatments and therapies
- prevention, epidemiology and ethics
- taking a history, examinations and explanations
- research and presentations
- Word building [nouns, two-word expressions, plural formation, adjectives, collocations, prefixes, verbs]
- Parts of speech [nouns, adjectives, verbs, phrasal verbs, adverbs, prepositions]
- Pronunciation [word stress]
- Vocabulary in context [giving advice, body parts, abbreviations, symptoms, common illnesses, diagnosis, instruments, equipment, chemistry]
Testi di riferimento
E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008.
Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition).
Dizionari consigliati:
English Medical Dictionary. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2007 (Fourth Edition).
Concise Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford, Oxford UP, 2011.
Programmazione del corso
Argomenti | Riferimenti testi | |
1 | Parts and functions of the body | E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. |
2 | Medical and paramedical personnel | E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. |
3 | Education and training | E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. |
4 | Systems, diseases and symptoms | E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. |
5 | Investigations, treatments and therapies | E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. |
6 | Prevention, epidemiology and ethics | E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. |
7 | Taking a history, examinations and explanations | E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. |
8 | Research and presentations | E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. |
9 | Word building [nouns, two-word expressions, plural formation, adjectives, collocations, prefixes, verbs] | Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition). |
10 | Parts of speech [nouns, adjectives, verbs, phrasal verbs, adverbs, prepositions] | Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition). |
11 | Pronunciation [word stress] | Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition). |
12 | Vocabulary in context [giving advice, body parts, abbreviations, symptoms, common illnesses, diagnosis, instruments, equipment, chemistry] | Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition). |
Verifica dell'apprendimento
Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
L’esame finale consisterà in un test a risposta chiusa composto da 16 domande da svolgere in 30 minuti.
Valutazione: risposta esatta = 2 punti, risposta non data = 0,5 punti, risposta sbagliata = -1 punto
Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti
* Becoming worse after seeming to get better: _______.
a. remise b. relapse
* Odd one out. In the following set of words, circle the word which is different from the others.
bite - chew - swallow - taste
* In the word “ophthalmoscopy” stress is on the _______ syllable.
a. third b. fourth
* Screening is not always straightforward; there can be cases where a patient has a disease which is not identified by screening, i.e. false _______.
a. positives b. negatives
* Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb. Use two words from the box.
in – give – after – take – start – up – out – prop
He ______________ ______________ his father.