Anno accademico 2016/2017 - 1° anno
Docente: Nicola Maurizio Strazzanti
Crediti: 6
Organizzazione didattica: 150 ore d'impegno totale, 108 di studio individuale, 42 di lezione frontale

Obiettivi formativi

Il corso mira a sviluppare il lessico e l’uso delle funzioni della lingua inglese per scopi comunicativi relativi all’ambito medico-scientifico; mira inoltre a fornire agli studenti uno strumento pragmatico per l’investigazione linguistica e l’analisi di testi specifici. Tra gli argomenti trattati: malattie e sintomi, terapie, esami specifici e prevenzione. Saranno presentati inoltre il lessico medico relativo alle parti e alle funzioni del corpo, il personale medico e paramedico, la formazione e la ricerca. Alla fine del corso gli studenti saranno in grado di 1) usare la lingua inglese per interagire in modo sciolto ed accurato con parlanti anglofoni; 2) capire un discorso orale e lezioni su argomenti specifici; 3) comparare e spiegare opinioni relative a specifici argomenti medico-scientifici.

Prerequisiti richiesti


Frequenza lezioni


Contenuti del corso

  • parts and functions of the body
  • medical and paramedical personnel
  • education and training
  • systems, diseases and symptoms
  • investigations, treatments and therapies
  • prevention, epidemiology and ethics
  • taking a history, examinations and explanations
  • research and presentations
  • Word building [nouns, two-word expressions, plural formation, adjectives, collocations, prefixes, verbs]
  • Parts of speech [nouns, adjectives, verbs, phrasal verbs, adverbs, prepositions]
  • Pronunciation [word stress]
  • Vocabulary in context [giving advice, body parts, abbreviations, symptoms, common illnesses, diagnosis, instruments, equipment, chemistry]

Testi di riferimento

E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008.

Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition).

Dizionari consigliati:

English Medical Dictionary. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2007 (Fourth Edition).

Concise Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford, Oxford UP, 2011.

Programmazione del corso

 ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1Parts and functions of the bodyE. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. 
2Medical and paramedical personnel E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. 
3Education and training E. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. 
4Systems, diseases and symptomsE. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. 
5Investigations, treatments and therapiesE. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. 
6Prevention, epidemiology and ethicsE. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. 
7Taking a history, examinations and explanationsE. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. 
8Research and presentationsE. Glendinning, R. Howard. Professional English in Use: Medicine. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2008. 
9Word building [nouns, two-word expressions, plural formation, adjectives, collocations, prefixes, verbs]Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition). 
10Parts of speech [nouns, adjectives, verbs, phrasal verbs, adverbs, prepositions]Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition). 
11Pronunciation [word stress]Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition). 
12Vocabulary in context [giving advice, body parts, abbreviations, symptoms, common illnesses, diagnosis, instruments, equipment, chemistry]Check your English Vocabulary for Medicine. London, A & C Black Publishers, 2006 (Third Edition). 

Verifica dell'apprendimento

Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

L’esame finale consisterà in un test a risposta chiusa composto da 16 domande da svolgere in 30 minuti.

Valutazione: risposta esatta = 2 punti, risposta non data = 0,5 punti, risposta sbagliata = -1 punto

Esempi di domande e/o esercizi frequenti

* Becoming worse after seeming to get better: _______.

a. remise b. relapse

* Odd one out. In the following set of words, circle the word which is different from the others.

bite - chew - swallow - taste

* In the word “ophthalmoscopy” stress is on the _______ syllable.

a. third b. fourth

* Screening is not always straightforward; there can be cases where a patient has a disease which is not identified by screening, i.e. false _______.

a. positives b. negatives

* Complete the sentence with a phrasal verb. Use two words from the box.

in – give – after – take – start – up – out – prop

He ______________ ______________ his father.