Services and facilities


The Collegio di Merito Alcantara is one of the merit colleges officially recognized by the University of Catania. Medicine & Surgery students, particularly those in urgent need of accommodation due to recent admissions from the waiting list, may find such facilities and services beneficial. Offerings include meals, cleaning, and laundry services.

Residents are encouraged to uphold a high academic standard and engage in diverse internal activities fostering personal development. These activities encompass soft skills, artificial intelligence, public speaking, literature, and various nature and cultural excursions throughout the academic year.

Furthermore, the Collegio provides scholarships for international students, ensuring substantial financial relief. For additional details, please visit this page.


The Medical School Library is an integral part of the University Library network, established during the academic year 2000/2001, ensuring access to held documents and their optimal utilization. It is situated on the 2nd floor of Building 13, within the Classroom and Library Complex of the University Hospital "G. Rodolico".

The library currently houses approximately 55,000 volumes in its bibliographic collection, including 1,159 frequently consulted monographs on the second floor and around 1,564 periodical titles, with 17 in current print + online subscription and 30 solely online. The majority of volumes are stored in two modern repositories, equipped with mobile cabinets, located on the -1 floor of the same building, connected to the library via an internal elevator.

Information and Reference Service

The Information and Reference service, provided by library staff, ensures bibliographic consultation, assistance in catalog exploration, and document retrieval. The primary objective is to enhance user autonomy in information retrieval and utilization.

Reading Room

The library offers a reading room with 8 tables, each accommodating 6 individuals, equipped with three tablets, electrical outlets, and USB connectors, totaling 48 seats and 24 tablets. Additionally, a smaller reading room features 2 tables for three individuals, each with three tablets, electrical outlets, and USB connectors, amounting to 6 seats and 6 tablets.

Six workstations are available for bibliographic searches on the University Catalog, databases, and electronic periodical consultation.

Wireless service is active, facilitating University network access from user notebooks.

Bibliographic materials are cataloged according to the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules AACR2, utilizing the "SIERRA" software.


  • On-site Consultation
  • Bibliographic Information and Research Assistance
  • Direct Loan
  • User-designated Computer Station

Document Delivery Service

The Document Delivery service for retrieving scientific articles, through free exchange with libraries listed in the National Catalog of Periodicals (ACNP) and utilizing the NILDE Software, is aimed at faculty and students of the Medical School.

Requests should be directed to the email address, specifying in the message body all bibliographic details of the requested article (journal name, issue, year, pages, author, and article title).

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