Elective Educational Activities (ADE)

Welcome to the page dedicated to the Elective Educational Activities (ADE) Regulations. Here, you will find all the necessary information to understand the functioning and procedures related to ADE.

Elective Educational Activities are a fundamental component to enrich your educational journey. These activities provide you with the opportunity to customize your study plan, delve into specific topics, and acquire additional knowledge in your field of study.


In the section below you will find a link to the complete ADE Regulation, which provides details on how to select, participate, and evaluate these activities. We encourage you to consult the regulations for all the information you need on procedures, evaluation criteria, and requirements to follow. Also, you will find all the related authorization and certification ADE forms

For students

For the electronic recording of ECTS credits acquired through the Elective Educational Activities, before graduation and in accordance with specific deadlines, each student must complete and send the following documentation exclusively via email to the address medicineandsurgery@unict.it

  • Declaration (form E) indicating the activities completed until reaching 8 ECTS credits, signed and exclusively in .pdf format.
  • Copy of all certificates for the completed ADE activities corresponding to the Declaration above, merged in a single file and exclusively in .pdf format.

For teachers

Faculty members who wish to propose Elective Educational Activities must complete the appropriate form (Form A) and send it to the Administrative Office at the email address medicineandsurgery@unict.it.
